(+92) 333-628-5752

! Why Choose Us !

When it comes to construction cost estimation, QTOBids is the ultimate choice for your projects. Our commitment to excellence and a track record of success set us apart from the competition. Here’s why you should choose us.

Expertise and Experience

With senior cost estimators on our team, we bring a wealth of industry knowledge and hands-on experience to every project. You can trust in our expertise and rely on our accurate estimates.

High Bid Winning Ratio

Increase your chances of winning bids with our precise and well-documented cost estimates. Our expertise gives you a competitive edge in securing profitable projects.

Time and Cost Savings

By outsourcing your cost estimation needs to QTOBids, you can save valuable time and resources. Our efficient processes and quick turnaround times enhance your overall productivity and profitability.

24/7 Customer Support

Our dedicated support team is available round the clock to assist you. We provide prompt and knowledgeable assistance whenever you need it, ensuring a seamless experience.


Happy Clients


Bid Results





Our Services

Who We Serve

Our precise construction estimates incorporate location-specific material and labor data, empowering you with reliable estimates for residential and commercial projects. Count on us to support your project planning and bidding needs.

General Contractors

Our precise construction estimates incorporate location-specific material and labor data, empowering you with reliable estimates for residential and commercial projects. Count on us to support your project planning and bidding needs.

Home Builders

Simplify your material ordering process with our detailed material takeoff services. We provide comprehensive lists for your suppliers and help you prepare competitive bid proposals. Save time and money while growing your business.

Material Suppliers

Subscribe to our takeoff packages and outsource your material takeoff needs to us. Our accurate and efficient takeoffs save you time and reduce in-house estimator expenses by up to 60%. Optimize procurement with detailed material lists.


Our highly accurate construction estimates cover a wide range of trades, including Concrete, Drywall, Electrical, HVAC, Plumbing, and more. Get detailed insights to plan resources and manage costs efficiently.

Are you ready to Win Bids with us?

If you’re looking for a cost estimation service that you can trust, look no further than QTObids. Contact us today to discuss your project and to request a free quote. We look forward to working with you!


Our Trades

We provide quantity-takeoff and estimation services to Builders, General Contractors, Architects and Material Suppliers. Feel free to ask for sample take-off.

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